Forest School Kindergarten

Strong Roots Childcare are proud to showcase our Ofsted registered Forest School Kindergarten.

The setting offers outdoor learning sessions for children from the age of 2½ until they start school, in a dedicated area within the beautiful grounds of the All Saints Centre in London Colney. Led by our Level 3 Certified Forest School Leader, the team provide a varied and enriching experience which successfully links the Forest School pedagogy with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

The children are encouraged to learn through play and exploration. They have their own personal target set and their progress is captured in their learning journal.

Who can come?

The Kindergarten is for 2½ -5 year olds, and the activities are planned accordingly. We can accept children once they are 2½ (Also, please see the funding section, at the bottom of this page). We cannot accept bookings for anyone younger than that.

When does it run?

The Kindergarten follows the same term time dates as the Local Schools (we are not linked to them, but we align with the Term Dates and Inset days of St Bernadette School in London Colney).

2023/24 Term Dates

  • Autumn 2023 – 4th Sept to 20th Dec
  • Spring 2024 – 4th January to 28th March
  • Summer 2024 – 15th April to 23rd July

2024/25 Term Dates

  • Autumn 2024 – tba
  • Spring 2025 – tba
  • Summer 2025 – tba

What clothing does my child need?

The children are outside in all weathers, so need to be prepared for anything that Mother Nature might throw at them.

Click on the link below, to view/download the Kit List.


We do have an awesome range of Strong Roots branded clothing which is ideal for what we do.

Click here to be transferred to our ‘Merch Store’.

Session Details

Please note – There is a minimum booking requirement of 4 sessions per week (Not including Lunch Club or the snack per session) e.g Two full days, or four half days, or a combination.

Morning8.30 to 11.30£20 or Funded (+50p for snack)
Lunch Club11.30 to 12.00£5 (not covered by funding*)
Afternoon12.00 to 3.00£20 or Funded (+50p for snack)

Where are we?

In the grounds of the All Saints Centre we have a dedicated area of woodland and open space. On your first day you will be greeted in the front Car Park, and shown the way.

All Saints Centre, Shenley Lane, London Colney, AL2 1AF

How do you sign up?

Clicking on the following button, will take you to the enquiry form. Once we have received and processed your form, you will receive an invite, via email, to set up an online account in our Nursery Management System. We will then work with you to get your child(ren) booked into the sessions you require.

There is a non-refundable Booking Fee of £100 **, which is charged once your account is set up. As soon as the Booking Fee is paid, your spaces are confirmed, and the value credited to your account.

How does funding work?

All 3 to 4-year-olds in England can get 570 free hours per year with an OFSTED Approved Childcare Provider. It’s usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year. Some 3 to 4 year-olds are eligible for 30 hours a week.

  • Funding kicks in from the term after your child’s 3rd birthday.
  • We will accept children for the full term during which they turn 3, but parents/carers are liable for the fees for that term.
  • There are forms that Parents/Carers need to fill in, but we can guide you through them and facilitate submission.
  • Funding does not cover the ‘Lunch Club’ or Session Snacks, and families will be invoiced for it separately.*
  • We do not accept 2 year old funding at the moment.
Gov Logo

Click on the logo to the right, to be taken to the Government website for full details of the funding scheme, including details on how to check for 30hrs eligibility.

Help with the online side of things

We use an online system called Famly for the day to day admin. Bookings, invoices, observation journals, contact details etc.

Parents can access Famly through a web browser on a computer, or through the app on any mobile device. The ‘Help’ facility contains lots of useful information, and guidance on how to use it.

Low income options

*When children attend two, three hour funded sessions in one day there is an option for those hours to be taken consecutively. Please speak to us if you require this.

** The booking fee is charged, and credited to a child’s account. If this not financially possible, please contact us to discuss alternative options.